Good Friday
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
This is the day when we remember and reflect on Christ’s death on the cross for us. We remember the suffering He endured for our sake and are reminded of the depths of His love for us. May we find hope, peace and renewed faith in God and recommit ourselves to acts of kindness, compassion and service.
Service schedule
- 12:00pm Station of the cross in English
- 1:00pm Sermon de la Siete Palabras
- 3:00pm Via Crucis en Espanol
- 4:00pm Novena Devina Misericordia
- 6:00pm English Celebration of the passion of the Lord
- 8:00pm Celebracion en Espanol de la Pasion de Nuestro Senor con Veneracion de la Santa Cruz y Comunion seguida por la Procesion